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Why Recycling Your Scrap Metal is Safer Than Abandoning It

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Scrap metal poses significant risks to you, your property and the environment if not appropriately addressed. At McSteel Salvage & Cleanup, we’ve seen some of these risks firsthand. That’s why we are here to educate you on the safety and fire risks associated with abandoned scrap metal and to provide you with a hassle-free solution to recycling it.

Keep reading to learn why you should recycle your scrap metal with McSteel!

Safety Risks of Abandoned Scrap Metal

It’s a common misconception that scrap metal is essentially harmless as long as it’s out of the way. However, this is not the case. Scrap metal poses significant health and safety risks and risks to the environment.

For instance, some types of scrap metal may contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and asbestos, which can pose significant health threats if not removed and handled safely. Other scrap metal, specifically industrial waste metal, could be radioactive, posing health risks and potentially damaging the environment around it. It’s important to remember that as metal deteriorates, it damages the soil around it, ultimately damaging the value of your property and contaminating it.

Aside from environmental damage and health risks, scrap metal lying around your property can also be a safety risk. If your old farm equipment is sitting where your livestock or children could access it, they could hurt themselves. With all that being said, it’s always best to recycle your scrap metal at a trusted metal salvager like McSteel Salvage & Cleanup. That way, you can keep your property, the environment and your family safe.

Fire and Explosion Risks of Scrap Cars

After the record fires Alberta and British Columbia experienced last year, fire prevention should be at the top of any farmer, business, or resident’s mind. If you have a scrap vehicle on your property, you have a ticking time bomb just waiting to cause serious damage. Scrap cars, including electric vehicles, pose a significant risk of exploding if not recycled properly.

Flammable liquids and lithium-ion batteries are often the culprits of scrap car fires, as all it takes is one spark after a dry spell for a fire to erupt. The best way to prevent an accidental fire of this nature is to bring your scrap car to McSteel’sWainwright or High Prairie locations and let our experts safely dismantle it for recycling.

McSteel Salvage & Cleanup’s Scrap Metal Services

For nearly 15 years, McSteel Salvage & Cleanup has been helping oilfields, farmers, railyards, and businesses alike remove their scrap metal and recycle it safely. Our team can handle the safe removal and disposal of scrap metal, old farm equipment, cars, appliances and more. While our flexible and fair metal salvaging services ensure your property is safe and clear. So if you have scrap metal lying around, don’t let it deteriorate further (and lose even more value); take it to McSteel Salvage & Cleanup and together, we can make your business or property safer.

Ready to Remove Your Scrap Metal?

With the spring melting away the snow and uncovering the scrap metal that has been frozen solid in your yard, now is the perfect time to get your scrap metal removed and recycled. Don’t let scrap metal be a safety, fire, and environmental hazard to your property; let McSteel Salvage & Cleanup turn it into money in your pocket instead!

Contact McSteel Salvage & Cleanup today to order your scrap metal bin or to learn more about our salvaging services.
